Ausstellungsdauer | 11.4. - 20.5. 2016
Öffnungszeiten | Mo – Fr 10 – 13 und 16 – 20 UhrDie Ausstellung findet im Rahmen des Projektes "Gestatten, Kästner" Spiegelungen - Widersprüche - Doppelgänger statt."Recently, a photo album of a special kind was found. A traveler through Germany obviously left his impressions in it. Confusing to the viewer: Whether at the Palace of the Republic or the blasted Bunker of Hiddensee or in Bremer slaughterhouse or in the Alps or at which locations in the country anyway, it always seems the same person to pose in different disguises in the pictures. Is there more to see in the event? Perhaps rituals or performance art? We do not know for sure. " So (or similar), a subsequent attempt of cultural-historical classification of the photos would sound if it's not clear that it acted to continue the work of Joachim Seinfeld, a longtime work on putative identities in rituals concerning to absurdities in Germany's past and present. (Frank Eckhardt)