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FRI 3.10.2014 8 pm | Murals — Remembering and Preserving? Motorenhalle. Projektzentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Wachsbleichstraße 4a, 01067 Dresden
The RAUM CityBilder, an open-air gallery in the Friedrichstadt, are not the first artistically modified walls around the city. Many artworks in the public sphere originated during the GDR, commissioned by its institutions and parties. Drawing from Mexican muralists, the created works were committed to Socialist Realism, and existed within the lines of GDR art politics. Despite these constraints, younger artists at the time tried to change older forms of depiction. Their new models eventually became the „Bürgerbilder,“ produced in the 1980s. Some of these works are still visible today, while others simply disappeared. The importance of retaining these artworks is still being discussed. How does one deal with past artworks when the political framework of interpretation has drastically changed? How long is it worth to maintain an artwork of the public space? When something becomes part of a cultural heritage? Bearing these historical facts in mind, the same questions should be asked about murals being completed today knowing that color will eventually fade away. Should they simply be painted over or should the works be preserved? Who is committed to do this? Should the organizations that initiated these works be forever responsible for their maintenance? with: Antje Kirsch (DE), Mono Gonzalez (CL) presentation: José Segebre (MX)